2022 Annual Clergy Retreat
Postponed in 2020 and 2021 because of COVID restrictions, clergy finally gather together for the 2022 ANNUAL CLERGY RETREAT held at Tatum Park in Otaki over 27 November to 02 December.
The Catholic Foundation were very pleased to financially support the event with a grant of $18,000 from the $30,000 it makes available annually for Priest training and events.
Scholarship Presentation to St Catherine College Studens
Catholic Foundation Member Joe Green-LPL presents the Foundation's Scholarship to Mirna Issa and Hannah Beamish at the College Prizegiving on 06 December 2022
Grants to ADW
The Catholic Foundation Board’s annual grant to the Archdiocese of Wellington for the 2022/23 financial year of $400,000, paid quarterly to the following recipients :
Catholic Social Services $150,000
Lay Pastoral Leaders $ 25,000
Launch Out $ 25,000
Hospital & Prison Chaplaincies $ 50,000
Training of Seminarians $ 75,000
Turanga Maori $ 25,000
Welcom $ 50,000
These grant amounts have assisted in the following ways
Launch Out Activities for 2020-2021
- 16 January 2021- Year- Opening Meeting and Evaluation
- 27 February 2021- Learning Day 1- Theological Reflection by Anne Powell held at the Home of Compassion
- 20 March 2021- Prayer Day 1 led by Ronnie Parton at the Home of Compassion
- 07-09 May 2021- Annual Retreat led by Regina Daly at the Home of Compassion
- 10 July 2021- Learning Day 2- Leadership and Ignatian Spirituality led by Brian Cummings, sm held at Pa Maria Spirituality Centre
- 09 October 2021- Prayer Day 2 led by Clare O’ Connor at the Home of Compassion
- 20 November 2021- Pastoral Presentation Day with Cardinal John held at The Catholic Centre
Lay Pastoral Leaders
The Archdiocese currently has three LPLs placed in three parishes – the Cathedral Parish, Te Awakairangi Parish and Ohariu Parish. These lay leaders continue to provide excellent collaborative leadership with local clergy. We are as a diocese considering further placements as opportunities arise and potential staff are qualified and formed through the Launch Out programme.
Training of Seminarians
There are 5 Wellington based Seminarians
Alfred Tong
Matthew White
Emilio Capin
Kinh Nguyen
Gerson Badayos
Catholic Foundation Grant of $150,000
On behalf of Catholic Social Services we thank the Catholic Foundation most sincerely for their generous grant of $150,000 towards the work of agency for the year ending 31st March 2022.
Like most social service agencies, the big question in 2021 was not ‘how do we survive?’, but, ‘how do we thrive?’ In spite of the challenges faced by all of us, the achievements of this small but remarkable ropu (team) are plentiful.
Focus for 2021
- Go you are sent - to the margins
- Establishment of Community Partnerships
- Expansion of the refugee resettlement project by offering a fully functioning CSS Volunteer Programme in collaboration with Changemakers
- Volunteers working alongside Catholic Social Services social workers.
- Seasons for Growth Programme running in all Catholic Schools and enhancing Bereavement Ministries in parishes
Focus for 2022
Go you are sent –
- To be on the margins
- To be more collaborative
- To move our projects to the next level
Cardinal John Dew hosts parishioners of ADW
A small group of ADW parishioners were hosted by Cardinal John Dew at a cocktail party held at his residence on 17 November 2021. The purpose of the gathering was to promote the Catholic Foundation of the ADW.
Cardinal Dew opened the gathering by telling those gathered of the history of Viard house after which Chair Francis Fanning spoke about the Foundation, its formation and work in the ADW.
Pictured: Cardinal John Dew, Bishop Paul Martin, Sir Anand Satyanand, current Chair Francis Fanning and former Chair Robert Beasley

2018 saw the retirement of two founding members of the Catholic Foundation – Henry Ward and Kevin OÇonnor.
18 January 2019
Cardinal John Dew noted the incredible input of both men and the foresight they showed in setting up the Foundation and raising what was then an enormous amount of funds to assist the work of the ADW through the Archbishop of the day, to which he and others were enormously grateful. They have been totally committed and supportive of the Archbishop and made many projects and works possible.
Henry and Kevin both referred to their passion of and commitment to the concept of the Foundation.They set funding raising goals which were well and truly exceeded.
They lived by the creed that we all have an incumbent onus to leave things in a better condition than what they were and they have truly done that and now passed the mantle to others to ensure the work in terms membership recruitment, funding raising and projects continues.
Nicole Lundon - Scholarship Recipient
18 July 2014
Nicole Lundson, who attend St Catherine's College received a Catholic Foundation scholarship in 2008. She attends Otago University and has completed five years of her Medical degree.
In 2014 she has taken a gap year out of her studies to work in Youth Ministry in the Wellington East Pastoral Area. This decision to work with the youth of this area stemmed from her passion to see the youth of the Catholic Church involved and participating as the Church of today, not the Church of tomorrow.
Nicole will return to complete the final year of her studies in 2015 and from there will pursue a career as a doctor, prehaps with a focus in youth and young people's health. She is grateful to the Foundation for the assistance it gave her with her tertiary costs as with this support she was able to purchase a laptop for her studies in Dunedin.
Georgina Blane - Scholarship Recipient
18 July 2014
This year has been my first at the University of Canterbury, studying engineering. I have done generic physics and mathematics courses as well as introductory courses into engineering. At the end of the year my GPA (Grade Point Average) is a 5.3, which is about a B average. This has been enough to gain me preferential entry into any specialisation of engineering. Next year, I will study mechanical engineering.
This year, I have stayed at College House. It has been very beneficial to my studies as a lot of like-minded people also live there. I made it back into College House for a second year as a 'Room 16'. This position requires me to look out for the wellbeing of other House members, as well as organise house events.
I am very grateful for the scholarship the Catholic Foundation provided me. It made my first year at university financially possible.
Scared Heart Cathedral Parish Music Facilities and Choir
18 July 2014
In recognition of the commitment of the Parish to music and the achievement of choir excellence for the Archdiocese as a whole, the Foundation demonstrated their support and value by granting $12,500 for the replacement of cameras and monitoring equipment.
NEWS RELEASE: Wellington Night Shelter (WNS)
18 July 2014
"We are very much appreciative of the Foundation's support to the Wellington Night Shelter for providing funds for mattress protectors. We see approximately 20 new clients each month seeking emergency accommodation and assistance, many of them have high rates of co-morbid conditions (phyical as well as mental health issues) and have been rough sleeping on the streets of Wellington prior to entry to our service.
Some can present with a range of phyical ailments such as incontinece, which puts a strain on our bedding such as mattresses. Having good quality protectors provided for the matteresses will increase the quality of service and stay we can offer to those accessing our service and thus enhance the dignity of those who have to come here for emergency help on a daily basis." Mike Leon, Night Shelter Manager
NEWS RELEASE: Fr John Berry retires from Foundation Board
14 December 2013
At their meeting held on 21 November 2013, the Catholic Foundation Board received with regret, Fr John Berry’s resignation from the Board.
Fr Berry joined the Foundation’s Board in August of 2002, initially in the Fellow category and retired from it in October of 2013.
Over the 11 year of service as a member of the Foundation’s Board Fr Berry always showed a strong commitment and passion for the work of the Foundation and the difference it is able to make and his knowledge in such areas as grant applications and scholarships was very valuable.
Fr Berry is now in retirement, we thank him for his service and wish him a long, happy and blessed retirement.
NEWS RELEASE: Grant Application dates 2014
14 December 2013
Applications for grants are considered at Foundation board meetings which, for 2014, are:
- Thursday 24 April,
- Thursday 17 July
- Thursday 16 October
Applications should be received by the Secretary 10 days prior to Board Meetings.
NEWS RELEASE: Scholarship Applications 2014
14 December 2013
2014 applications open on 11 August and are to be received by the Catholic Foundation by Tuesday 16 September. Interviews of short-listed applicants will take place on 15 and 16 October at the Catholic Centre in Wellington.
The announcement of winners will be made in December and the Scholarships awarded at College Prize giving events or Parish Masses as appropriate.