Join Us

By joining the Catholic Foundation you will be helping the church to carry out God’s gifts. The generosity of our existing membership has enabled a great deal of support to flow into many aspects of our Catholic community. We must continue with these wonderful works.

Always there are new challenges, new demands and new possibilities which inevitably require new funds. Right now we need support for more Lay Pastoral Leaders. On the Lay Pastoral Leaders page of this website is a video discussing the very serious need for this new group within the Church.

I ask you to view it with our local Church’s needs in mind and join the Foundation so we can make a difference in the years to come.

John Dew


Membership contributions can be made as a single payment, paid over a period of four years, or by recording a bequest in your will.

All persons who donate $5,000 or more to the Foundation will become members of the Foundation.

In acknowledgement the Foundation will present you with a certificate which describes your membership.

To become a member, make a donation or for further information please contact Kathy Whelan 04 496 1721 or email


Application for membership

PDF Membership application form